History of Reiki

The ancient Japanese traditional healing method called Reiki, was re-discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui. He was born on 15th August,1865 in Japan and died on March 9, 1926.

The story of Dr. Usui has been a mystery and in fact many stories differ from each other. A version told by one of his direct students tells us that Dr. Usui's search to understand healing led him to America where he attended the University of Chicago and there he became a doctor of theology. However, his unfulfilled search set him on a journey to North India where he studied Sanskrit, the Vedic Scripture and Buddhist teachings. His relocation back to Japan strengthened his spiritual journey by daily meditation, contemplation on sutras, disciplined days of fasting and retreat to reach higher consciousness. It is during this period that he discovered the precious symbols of reiki. Dr. Usui left his body in the country of his birth and his memorial is located at the Saihoji Temple in Tokyo, Japan.

His history might vary from book to book but his teachings not. The re-discovery of reiki by Dr. Usui’s dedication and generosity to share is not to be forgotten. If the whole world had to practice this gift of healing, the world would be in a peaceful and blissful state.


Reiki is the best vibration for helping someone to relax well and deeply. Relaxation is key to human health and recovery because it initiates our natural and innate healing abilities. It is when we are truly relaxed that true healing can take place.

Chyna Honey