What is Reiki

The word Reiki means universal life energy.

It is defined as the power that exists in all living being. In the Indian ancient vedic texts it is known as 'Prana' which simply means life force energy or the cosmic energy.
The word reiki is a combination of two words i.e. Rei which means universal and Ki which means 'life-force'.

  • Reiki has nothing to do with religious beliefs or occult in any form.
  • Reiki has nothing to do with hypnosis, magic or psychological techniques either

It is simply dealing with cosmic energy and the flow of energy. There are no prerequisites to learn or practice Reiki.
Reiki is wisdom, truth and bliss. In the middle of all this chaos it is tranquility and in the midst of this total turmoil it is silence


The best methods are those which helps the life energy to resume its inner work of healing

Paramhansa Yogananda